Start date: 27/09/2024

Duration: Runs one day per week (Friday) for 13 weeks

Location: Online & Induction in Griffith College on 27 September

Cost: Skillnet Members: €1,300 / Non Members: €1,875

Programme overview

Understand the Opportunities and Overcome the Challenges of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

The aim of the Certificate in Strategic Collaboration and Coordination for MMC is to develop learners’ understanding of the concept and practices of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and the role of coordination and collaboration in MMC project Management

The objectives of this certificate programme are to:
• provide the learner with knowledge and understanding of Modern Methods of Construction as a business model
• develop the learner’s appreciation of the necessity for coordination, cooperation and collaboration along the value/supply chain
• develop learners’ interpersonal skills such as empathy, commercial awareness, relationship management, project management, teamwork and time management skills as well as research, communication and presentation skills

Entry Requirements
This programme is aimed at learners who currently hold an NFQ Level 7 cognate qualification, and who wish to achieve a Level 8 qualification in Strategic Collaboration and Coordination for MMC (Modern Methods of Construction). Applicants must be employed in a construction/related business and have at least one year’s experience.

Applicants without the academic entry requirements may also apply for entry to the programme. All applications involving the consideration of Accredited Prior Learning (APL) or Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) are managed by Griffith College’s APL/APEL committee in accordance with its approved QAE procedures. Applicants who are over the age of 23 may apply on the basis of previous work experience and a demonstration of commitment to further education. Applicants are required to meet the entry requirements if they are under the age of 23. The recognition of prior learning (RPL) will be assessed against their relevant industry experience and expertise.

“The industry project forced me to review current practices in my own organisation and consider how the adoption of MMC could improve performance and efficiency and reduce time and waste. I might not have undertaken this review without the project and the guidance and learning from the programme. It is a real tangible benefit for me and my organisation.”

Mark Hughes, Dunwoody & Dobson Ltd.

There will be an induction day at Griffith College Dublin, South Circular Road on 27 September. The remainder of the programme will be delivered virtually, with the possibility of participants agreeing to meet for one or more additional days.

For more information or to book contact Tanya at 087 0672656 or


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Selected Course:

   Level 8 Micro-credential in Strategic Co-ordination and Collaboration for Modern Methods of Construction

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